Dusting Myself Off…

Clearly, I’ve been gone too long…my last real post was back in January.

If at First You Don’t Succeed…

Sad, I know. And I could give excuse on top of excuse for my blogging absence but I’ll save all of that for yet another day. After days, weeks and finally months of putting off writing because I thought it would be impossible to bounce back after such a long break, I decided to just go for it…

And here I am!

I’ve learned that “it’s harder to catch up, than it is to keep up!” Something my dad would always say to me back in the day when I was in school and I would put off studying or homework assignments. So yep, this awful habit of procrastination has haunted since I was a younger and apparently it’s a trait that I may have passed on to my children (which is a topic for another day).

So instead of what I call “selling you dreams” by rattling off my a list of personal goals and blog teasers for the upcoming months, I’ll just say that I’ve decided to just “dust myself off and try again…”


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2 thoughts on “Dusting Myself Off…

  1. Son and Sun

    I love this! It IS really hard to get back in the swing of things, but hey, all a blogger can do is keep trying and keep going. Glad you’re back at it 🙂


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